
Each of us has the ability to achieve our goals - many just simply lack the motivation or knowledge of how to do it effectively. As your coach and motivator, my objective is to help you see the potential in yourself whatever your goal may be and achieve it as efficiently as possible.


Lactate Threshold & Heart Rate Training Zone Assessments

Running, cycling, rowing and walking assessments available

You will undergo a graded exercise test where the intensity is gradually increased until failure. Fingertip blood lactate measurements will be taken at the end of each interval and analyzed to create a physiological profile of how your body responds to that particular exercise. The key to determining precise training zones, and therefore the greatest benefit, is accurate blood lactate analysis at several exercise intensity levels.

Development of Individual Training Zones

Your individual results are then analyzed to precisely identify the intensities corresponding to your 5 key training zones, based on heart rate (bpm) and pace for running (min/km) or power for cycling (watts), that are critical for you to improve your event-specific fitness. Each aerobic training zone is dedicated toward improving a specific aspect of your performance, along with identifying the intensities at which YOU should avoid - wasted junk miles!


After the assessment we will discuss the physiology behind your training, the results obtained in your assessment, and how to apply them to your training to ensure maximum benefit of training time specific to your individual goals.

Through regular re-assessments I am able to precisely measure your progress, adjust your training zones and optimize your training to ensure you’re getting the most out of the hours you’re putting in.  Through regular adaptation you are most likely to achieve your goals.


Single-sport: $175

(1 x Blood Lactate Assessment & Consultation +GST)

Multi-sport: $320

(1 x bike & 1 x run Blood Lactate Assessments & Consultation +GST)

Re-assessment packages are available upon request

Personal Training & Sport Specific Strength & Conditioning

One-on-one Training

Personal training is the best opportunity to get the specific individual attention you need to achieve your goals.

At Fully Fit I am constantly reviewing and comparing the most up-to-date and cutting edge training research to help you gain the most out of every session with me. I’ll take the time and energy to ensure that the program that is developed for you is not only challenging, but also fun and enjoyable!

As your fitness improves, I’ll adjust your program to meet your evolving physical capabilities and help you to reach new goals. This is ultimately the safest and most effective way to achieve results. My results-based approach to each client will ensure a fitness and wellness program that delivers.


$80 /session (+GST)

Small Group Training

Small group personal training is a great way to improve your health and fitness, particularly for those who struggle to find the motivation to exercise alone.

Social support in the form of friends, family, and other class participants can be very powerful in helping you stay on track, by providing positive mutual compliments for shared efforts, and offering a comfortable support system to help encourage one another. Regardless of the group’s range of fitness levels, your sessions can ignite the competitive spirit that lives inside us all!

Group sessions offer the same intimate coaching experience as a personal training session but for a reduced cost. The larger the group, the cheaper the rate!


Doubles: $120 

($60/person +GST)

Triples: $150

($50/person +GST)

Quads: $160

($40/person +GST)

5-6 people: $35/ 

(/person +GST)

Athletic Coaching & Individualized Training Programs

Get the individual coaching and support you need to achieve your goal

Your program will be developed to optimize your training time, while simultaneously targeting the individual requirements for any particular sport, duration, distance, intensity, time of year and training experience with you, the athlete, in mind.

Not knowing how to properly structure these elements may result in inefficient training and wasted time.

This program will push your body to stress the necessary muscles and energy systems for continued improvement by dialing in your personalized training zones and ensuring quality training through periodic performance reviews.

Through accurate blood lactate analysis (see assessments on the left), I am able to precisely determine your current physiological profile and develop an individualized and sport-specific training plan to meet your goals whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran.

You can expect to see improved efficiency, increased race pace, increased performance thresholds, decreased recovery time, and added structure and guidance to your training.

What is included in the training program?

  • Accurate blood lactate testing to track your progress and monitor improvements

  • Development of individual training zones based on heart rate and pace for runners(min/km) and power for cyclists (watts)

  • Monthly scheduled block of training

  • Strength and flexibility training

  • Periodized progression through the season

  • Regular feedback through email, phone and various sports training apps

Training programs are not limited to running/cycling/triathlon alone, but can be applied to any number of sports and events.


Single-sport: $220

(/month; 3 month min.; +GST)

Multi-sport: $260

(/month; 3 month min.; +GST)